Harley Dust Control
Some thoughts and pointers based on our experience of almost three decades in providing Dust Control Solutions in the Indian Industry. This section in our website aims to point out areas which require strengthening across the Industry involving End Users, Bulk Material Handling OEM’s and Consultants, to ensure better understanding and awareness towards building and operating Clean & Hygienic Bulk Material HandlingPlants.
As we continue to learn, we shall continue to share in this section in the constant interest of Improving Your Environment.
Harley Dust Control Insight
Dust Containment
this being the first step to dust control, it is a compilation of ideas on dust containment in bulk material handling activities, a sense which needs to be inducted in CHP’s / BMHP’s in India.

Dust Our
Enemy 2016
a comprehensive awareness campaign on Dust Control which was a presentation comprising of all the major OEM’s and Consultants from the Bulk Material Handling Industry.

4DS Broad Dust Management Strategy
a dust source identification
and management system
to create a safe working environment within the
plant and around it.

Antistatic / Conductive Filter Fabrics in Bag Filters
a critical safety measure not properly understood and ignored which could lead to holes in bags due to sparking or fires / explosion

Broad Guidelines to building & operating Clean & Hygienic CHP’s / BMHP’s
a compiled document for serving as a guideline to keeping Fugitive Dust Emission Control and Respirable Dust central to building and operating CHP’s / BMHP’s spanning across Consultants, BMHP OEM’s, Plant Owners, Pollution Control Boards, DGFASLI and all others concerned.